9 Facts to Know About Dirt Bikes Before Buying One

Are you ready to buy your own dirt bike? Then we warmly welcome you to this exciting sport. As with any other decision, it’s important to know the basics before running to the store and grabbing a bike. While it doesn’t have to be a grueling decision process, we’d like to explain a few things about dirt bikes before you buy one.

9 Facts to know About Dirt Bikes Before Buying One

They’re Smaller Than Other Engines

This first point may be pretty obvious, but people forget this sometimes. Both two-step and four-step engines consume decent amounts of oil, and you’ll have to learn how to service them properly for any chance at a decent lifespan.

They’re Designed for Speed, Not Power

Some of the motorized equipment in your backyard shed has more power than a typical dirt bike. When you decide to make upgrades (on something that should remain light), remember that a dirt bike’s primary purpose is to go fast on dirt paths.

They Were Invented in England

Dirt biking has been popular in America since the 1950s, but it goes back to the early part of the 20th century in England. That’s where they had the first legitimate races, back when combustion engines were still a novelty.

It’s a Pretty Safe Sport

It’s a safe sport, if for no other reason, most motorcycle accidents involve collisions with cars and trucks. This doesn’t happen, however, in dirt biking because you don’t go on the main roads.

Dirt Biking Isn’t Hard to Learn

We enjoy offering clinics for men, women, boys, and girls of all ages. While there’s certainly a learning curve, it doesn’t take a ton of time to master the basic elements of dirt bike riding.

Don’t Drive on Normal Roads

Like we mentioned in the point about safety, dirt biking isn’t something you do on normal roads. In fact, it’s illegal in most jurisdictions. Dirt bikes rarely pass regulatory emissions standards, and there is no licensing involved with riding them.

Dirt Biking Can Also Help You Stay Fit

This will keep you in great shape, provided you’re healthy enough to participate. In addition, it assists with developing split-second decision-making, given all the quick movements, curves, turns, and so forth.

There Are Plenty of Design Options

There are several design patterns, and no two dirt bikes look the same. You can select models with different levels of ground clearance, engine displacement, and numerous other customizations.

They’re Technically Small Motorcycles

It’s essentially the same framework as a motorcycle, just smaller and designed for off-roading. The lighter weight and ruggedness of a dirt bike allow you to enjoy a motorcycle platform on otherwise inaccessible terrains.

Finally, if you aren’t sure about whether to buy one yet, you can always rent a dirt bike from one of our affiliate friends.

Colorado DirtBike Info is the Rocky Mountain area’s top resource for amazing riding trails, learning how to ride, and even competitive racing leagues. If you’d like to learn more about this wonderful hobby, feel free to drop us an email anytime.