Crew Racing wants to bring a greater knowledge of who we need to appreciate and help support! The trails you enjoy riding on do not stay open and maintained because we simply want them to be there for us. These nonprofit organizations below deserve not only our support but our deep knowledge of who they are and what they are doing for each one of us. Please do your due diligence and learn about these great organizations. Help the cause by offering any support you can to protect and maintain their fight and make our trails and riding areas possible for generations to come.

Rampart Range Motorized Management Committee
The RRMMC is an all-volunteer, nonprofit corporation founded in 1972 to work with the Forest Service to promote and preserve the riding opportunities in the Rampart Range. It’s a big job and we need all the support we can get.
If you are at all concerned about your access to and use of public lands in general and the Rampart Range area in particular, you need to make your concerns heard. Take part in the preservation of the area for OHV use. There are many ways that individuals, groups, and businesses can contribute to our mission.
Upcoming Events
Please help support future projects and maintenance. Your donation dollars help us to provide important services for dirtbike and ATV use. Donations can be given with credit cards and PayPal here on our website, or with a check mailed to RRMMC P.O. Box 3511, Englewood, CO 80155.
Events Calendar
Please help support future projects and maintenance. Your donation dollars help us to provide important services for dirtbike and ATV use. Donations can be given with credit cards and PayPal here on our website, or with a check mailed to RRMMC P.O. Box 3511, Englewood, CO 80155.

The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA)
The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with its principal goal focused on preserving the sport of motorized single-track trail riding. The TPA regularly supports all forms of Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for OHV recreation and takes the necessary actions to ensure that both the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management allocate a fair and equitable percentage of access to trail riding on public lands, educating user groups on trail etiquette, and supporting the establishment and operation of local, off-road motorcycle clubs.
Events Calendar
How To Help

Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition
Protecting Your Motorized Access to Public Lands Since 1987
Formed in 1987 by a group of leaders from the four wheel drive, motorcycle, snowmobile, and ATV communities, we work to promote legislation and regulation favorable toward responsible OHV recreation. Over the years, we have established relationships with Federal and State Legislators and Land Managers to enhance OHV opportunities in Colorado. We work closely with local clubs, state and national OHV organizations, as well as other trail and recreational coalitions to promote OHV opportunities. COHVCO was instrumental in starting the Colorado State Parks OHV registration program, and still monitors the program today.
Save Our Sport (S.O.S.) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has helped raise tens of thousands of dollars and awareness to address many ongoing issues in the OHV community. OHV recreational opportunities are continuing to disappear. The CSR activities of the outdoor industry are supporting initiatives and strategies that threaten OHV access. The supporting grassroots non-profits that pursue, promote, protect, and educate responsible OHV use are out-funded and out-numbered.
The S.O.S. program is designed to support the ongoing efforts of COHVCO to protect your OHV access, with the added benefit of being a tax deductible donation.

Stay the Trail Colorado
Stay The Trail Colorado provides a central place where the public, organizations, and agencies can download all US Forest Service Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) for National Forest Lands and all of the available BLM Motorized Area Maps located in Colorado. These maps are kept up to date as the US Forest Service and BLM update their maps. Funding for this effort is provided by Colorado Parks and Wildlife in the form of grant funding that comes from registration of Off-Highway Vehicles in Colorado.
Our mission is to reinforce and highlight responsible OHV use, and to modify and mitigate irresponsible use in an effort to minimize resource damage on public land. Our goal is to create a statewide culture of responsible OHV use which will continue beyond the life of the project, effectively creating a stewardship ethic among all Colorado OHV recreationists.
The idea for Stay The Trail Colorado was born in 2003 when a small group of off-highway vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts decided a new approach to land management issues was needed in Colorado. This new approach was to educate the public on responsible OHV use and to develop a sense of stewardship for our public lands among OHV enthusiasts. Since our first brochure was published in 2005, the program has grown into a resource that both the public and the land management agencies can count on to educate the public and protect our natural resources in Colorado.
Motorcycle Clubs
- Boot Hill Motorcycle Club
- Central Colorado Mountain Riders
- Colorado Backcountry Trailriders Association
- Creede OHV Club
- Dirt Riders of Colorado
- Gunnison Valley OHV Alliance of Trailriders
- Rocky Mountain Super Enduro
- Rocky Mountain Sport Riders
- Summit County, Colorado Off-Road Riders
- Wagon Wheel OHV Clubs
Western Slope
- Bookcliff Rattlers Motorcycle Club
- Motorcycle Trail Riding Association
- San Juan Trail Riders
- Colorado 4×4 Rescue and Recovery
- Colorado Dirt Bike Trail Riders
- Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition
- Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit
- Trails Preservation Alliance Colorado
Front Range
- Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association
- Harry’s Roamers Motorcycle Club
- Northern Colorado Trail Riders
- Rampart Range Motorized Management Committee
- Rocky Mountain Adventure Riders
- Rocky Mountain Trials Association
- San Carlos Motorized Trail Alliance
Stay the Trail Education & Stewardship Alliance, and the Stay the Trail Program would like to thank you for your continued support. Your contributions are spent directly towards helping us spread the word of responsible OHV use when visiting our public lands here in Colorado. It also goes towards signage, work projects and volunteer support.
Donations to STTESA are tax deductible, to the extent provided by law. Donors can specify that their donations be used for elements and activities of the Stay The Trail program. STTESA is a legal, non-profit entity with 501(c)(3) status. STTESA is a non-profit corporation registered on 11/27/2000 under the law of the State of Colorado, with tax exempt status, and was recognized by the IRS as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in its initial determination letter issued in December 2002. The IRS has determined that STTESA is classified as a public charity described in IRC Sections 501(c)(3) & 170(b)

Green Beret Racing
GREEN BERETS HELPING GREEN BERETS Green Beret Racing was founded with one goal in mind: to help members of the Special Operations Forces find meaningful, fulfilling outlets outside of the regiment. We are working to create a community where you look forward to the alarm clock. A place where you can find your adrenaline fix, be a part of a team, and ultimately find the drive and purpose that takes you beyond the bottle calling your name or the nightmares that keep you awake at night.
Green Beret Racing is more than a few guys getting together to go fast, look cool, and invent new curse words when working on our machines. We invest in current and former members of the U.S. Army's Special Forces Regiment and their desires to pursue competition in meaningful, exciting, and rewarding ways. Our programs directly fight the suicide epidemic in the military by removing monetary barriers while placing Green Berets into groups of like minded people with similar interests that push them to grow and heal.
Events Calendar

501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization
MotoDemption makes motocross a reality for those with physical disabilities by providing the bikes, adaptations, instructors, and resources necessary for safe and fun riding.